Dear Superman

My all time favorite superhero will always be Batman, but I did this poem of Superman out of the blue. 🙂



Dear Superman,

I am but a fan.

The sight of your flowing red sheet,

Undoubtedly sweeps me off my feet.

High up in the air,

I wish to touch that curly hair,

And up away you fly,

A kiss I give with goodbye.


Maybe it was love, but maybe it was not,

Maybe I did little, but maybe it was a lot.

May I was happy, but maybe I was sad,

Maybe I was surprised, but maybe I was mad.


Maybe I do feel, but maybe you don’t see,

Maybe I accept, but maybe you don’t like me.

Maybe I’ll be good for now, but maybe I’ll go,

Maybe I’ll be understood, but maybe you won’t know.


Light Of The Day

Light of the day,

Shine forth in array,

Light of the day,

Let me be as I may.


Light of the day,

Come burst in the sun,

Light of the day,

Our joy has now begun.


Light of the day,

Guide us your presence,

Light of the day,

May you be an eminence.


Light of the day,

Show all your glory,

Light of the day,

Shine upon me.

Someday, Someone

You must be glad,

For me it was sad,

You will always be,

Very dear to me.


Right now, things must shift,

My love will remain,

So i must act swift,

This love is in vain.


But i say thank you,

Why, nevertheless,

Though you were untrue,

I gave love no less.


What I long to be,

Happy in one’s arms,

Someday we will see,

One who’ll catch my charms.

Lies and Tears

I have loved and I was robbed.

I love you…But I couldn’t say it to you.

Now I’m sad and I wish time could have stopped.

I never had the chance to say what was true.


It was the lies. The lies that glued us.

Slowly, painfully, it was breaking my heart.

And I thought all I had was lust.

No, not just my heart, but myself was tearing apart. 

Motivational Speech

Hello! I’ve been inactive for so long, but this is my last week for the semester so I can be online more often now.

This is our final requirement for our speech class, I thought of sharing this since I haven’t posted anything much this March. I had a few errors but I already edited them, and I think I’m going away with the main idea of the speech but I think I carried it through the end and it made sense. And I think it’s becoming an inspirational speech rather than a motivational one, oh well.

Here it goes:


– Aldous Huxley

Friends, neighbors, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, an enlightened morning to you all! I shared to you a quote from Aldous Huxley, and doesn’t it speak to each one of us? Who here doesn’t know of sadness? Despair? Loneliness? Anxiety? Suffering? Madness? I know of none.

Life is such an adventure that bumps, cracks, and stops are sure to come along the way. Indeed, life is not all smiles, the minute we were born in this world, we cry and it is a sign that we are alive. Yes, crying proves that we are alive, that we live, that we feel, that we are human. But crying is not always the solution. Crying doesn’t answer everything.

Have you ever felt so low and so down that you can’t even hold on to something? That all you can do is keep on falling, no one is there by your side, you feel all alone and there is no trace of hope you could ever chance upon. Does fear set you back in everything you do or wanted to do? Is everyday such a struggle that it already feels like torture? Do you feel so empty that nothing in this world could ever define you?

To everyone in front of me right now, when was the last time you laughed so hard? When was the last time you said ‘I love you’ truthfully and sincerely and when was the last time it was said to you? When was the last time you ate something so delicious? When was the last time you had a good conversation with a friend? When was the last time you listened to a good song and danced to it? When was last time you sang in the shower or just sang your heart out? When was the last time you thanked God?

Yes, life can be hard and it can be very heavy to carry on. But look, we’re still alive. It seems like yesterday when our troubles were looking for our missing crayon and not coloring past the lines of illustrations. It seems like yesterday when it was like the end of the world when your friend will be absent to school. It seems like yesterday when we would yawn to boring teachers and the thrill of our lives were those two hands moving in the clock. It seems like yesterday when all the high school drama just happened, fights, arguments, trends you got hooked on, friends who became enemies, friends who became strangers. It seems like yesterday when your failing grades were the biggest thing in the world and you would do anything and everything to pass. It seems like yesterday that we had trouble making friends. It seems like yesterday when we had to endure a joke that isn’t funny and hurts inside.

Well, it was yesterday. Wasn’t it then that we hoped? That we dreamed? That we moved on? The tomorrow we wanted is now. Yesterday, all the heartaches and pain, is now gone, so I want you to congratulate yourself. If you made it then, you will make it now no matter what it is.

Life is a book with many chapters, don’t stop reading, and don’t stop writing. Go on. Every step is a start of a journey. Every way may not turn out to be good, but we can still get something from it for we have learned.

We could go on and on and on with how hard life is, but what’s more important is living, than crying, moping, worrying or being sad about it.drea

Remember, you have dreams to fulfill, hope right in your pocket, and realizations yet to discover. You will be surprised with many things, with things you can achieve, things you can and are yet to do, and things you have already surpassed.

If life can be summed up in three words then it is: Life Goes On. It’s continuous. So we too, should be continuous, keep moving. Just like the clock, don’t stare at it, do what it does, keep moving. In everyday, the simple things we do teach us this value. We prepare our food, we cook, we eat, we wash the dishes. After each activity, there is another inevitable one coming along the way that we should do. Even maneuvers when driving, you must have taken the wrong way and need to go back, or you need to turn in order to go where you want to. It takes time but so what? You are heading towards somewhere, and most importantly, you are moving.

All of us are students. All of must learn. To live is also to learn. In our mathematics subjects, we became familiar with the process of simplification. It is the process of simplifying complicated equations to simple ones. In life, there are many complicated things. We often complain and shout out that “Why is life so complicated?” My answer to that, ladies and gentlemen is, for us to make it simple. Yes, you heard right. So is the same with the question, “Why is life so unfair?” Well, for us to make it fair. Other than karma, we live in this world to make things right, to do good even if evil is spread out around us, to be just even if injustices are tempting us.

A good man by the name of Charlie Chaplin once said: “Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.” I couldn’t agree more. All we see is the pain, the hurt, and the sufferings, that we overlook the warm sunsets, the fresh flowers, and the morning dew by the time we wake up already tired even before starting to get up for a new day. We overlook the small smiles that creek up on our faces, the little favors others do for us, the joys of what we already have, and yet we complain, stay ignorant, selfish but most of all, foolish. We overlook the stars in the night sky, the cool breeze in the air, the moon brightly lit amongst the stars, that all we say come night time is how horrible the day was or how horrible it would be again for tomorrow.

We live in this fast, ever growing and ever changing world, that all of us busy with work, with school, with something else that keeps us from seeing that the world is truly beautiful, no matter how cruel or hard it is to live in it. Take the time to just sit down, relax, and look at the sky. In the end, it will be us regretting that we didn’t appreciate these things when we had the time.

Take things lightly, as what Aldous Huxley says. Ladies and gentlemen, I do not want to waste much time saying how the world is beautiful, rather than truly appreciating it, I leave that to you if you have ever realized anything from what I said. If you get mad, offended, or have any violent reaction…Well, bring it on. But I have you know, I will accept whatever comes along, but of course, I would take it lightly. That is all! And once again, an enlightened morning to you all!


A Poem on Valentine’s Day

Though you’re not mine,

A love is always divine…

For a poet, love is sunshine,

Even if I have no valentine.


Though I hate this day,

With sincerity, I must say,

May you be happy & gay,

This Valentine’s day!


This is a poem I made on Valentine’s day exactly last year. I had no date and of course my crush is flocking off to another woman. But this year I was happy, I had a beautiful Ferrero Rocher bouquet. It’s the best, with white flowers and sky blue wrappings, and a big blue ribbon. If time comes and I get married, I’m thinking about having a Ferrero Rocher bouquet again. 😀

Will post a picture! 😀

Beat of My Heart

One, two

My heart beats too

Three, Four

Why do you ignore?

Five, Six

The clock ticks

Seven, Eight

I’ll ask you straight

Nine, Ten

If you’ll love me, then when?

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